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=== EU Company Law<br>  ===
=== EU Company Law<br>  ===
#Discuss and explain how a limited company can raise capital and be financed, including the rules and principles concerning this issue.
#Discuss and explain how a limited company can raise capital and be financed, including the rules and principles concerning this issue. [ [[Media:1_-_Raise_of_capital_and_financing.pdf|pdf]] ]
#Discuss the two opposing theories: incorporation theory v. real seat theory.
#Discuss the two opposing theories: incorporation theory v. real seat theory. [ [[Media:2_-_Incorporation_theory_vs_real_seat_theory.pdf|pdf]] ]
#Examine how the freedom of establishment applies to companies.
#Examine how the freedom of establishment applies to companies. [ [[Media:3_-_Freedom_of_establishment.pdf|pdf]] ]
#Explain the so called “Delaware-effect”. Is there a risk of a Delaware effect in the European Union?
#Explain the so called “Delaware-effect”. Is there a risk of a Delaware effect in the European Union? [ [[Media:4_-_The_Delaware_effect.pdf|pdf]] ]
#Explain and discuss how an EEIG (a European Economic Interest Grouping) is established, when and why should one consider establishing an EEIG, the structure of the EEIG and the liability of the members of the EEIG.
#Explain and discuss how an EEIG (a European Economic Interest Grouping) is established, when and why should one consider establishing an EEIG, the structure of the EEIG and the liability of the members of the EEIG. [ [[Media:5_-_EEIG.pdf|pdf]] ]
#Outline the harmonization program of the European Union with respect to primary and secondary legislation.
#Outline the harmonization program of the European Union with respect to primary and secondary legislation. [ [[Media:6_-_Outline_of_harmonization_program.pdf|pdf]] ]
#Explain and discuss the interaction between the SE Regulation and national company law and how a SE (a European Company) is established (including the motives for establishment).
#Explain and discuss the interaction between the SE Regulation and national company law and how a SE (a European Company) is established (including the motives for establishment). [ [[Media:7_-_SE_regulation_and_establishment.pdf|pdf]] ]
#Explain and discuss the structure of the SE (the European Company) and the transfer of registered office and head office of the SE.
#Explain and discuss the structure of the SE (the European Company) and the transfer of registered office and head office of the SE. [ [[Media:8_-_SE_structure_and_transfer_of_office.pdf|pdf]] ]
#Examine the laws of the Member States providing for management and control functions.
#Examine the laws of the Member States providing for management and control functions. [ [[Media:9_-_MS_management_and_control.pdf|pdf]] ]
#Discuss the employees‟ rights at company level in the light of Community law.
#Discuss the employees‟ rights at company level in the light of Community law. [ [[Media:10_-_Involvement_of_Employees.pdf|pdf]] ]
#Explain and discuss rules and principles concerning national and cross-border mergers (including the motives for mergers).
#Explain and discuss rules and principles concerning national and cross-border mergers (including the motives for mergers). [ [[Media:11_-_Mergers.pdf|pdf]] ]
#Explain and discuss the various ways a company/business can be acquired, including advantages and disadvantages of the various ways, as well as relevant rules concerning takeovers.
#Explain and discuss the various ways a company/business can be acquired, including advantages and disadvantages of the various ways, as well as relevant rules concerning takeovers. [ [[Media:12_-_Acquisitions_and_Takeovers.pdf|pdf]] ]
#Explain and discuss various forms of cross-border co-operations, including joint ventures, and legal issues to be aware of in such co-operations. Explain and discuss topics often treated in joint venture contracts.
#Explain and discuss various forms of cross-border co-operations, including joint ventures, and legal issues to be aware of in such co-operations. Explain and discuss topics often treated in joint venture contracts. [ [[Media:13_-_Joint_ventures_-_cross-border_co-operation.pdf|pdf]] ]
#Outline the provisions applying to annual accounts for companies.
#Outline the provisions applying to annual accounts for companies. [ [[Media:14_-_Annual_Accounts.pdf|pdf]] ]
=== Erhvervslejeret ===
=== Erhvervslejeret ===

Versionen fra 23. dec 2009, 14:26

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  • Uwe Manuel Rasmussens noter - Meget lækre overskuelige noter.

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  • Straffelov_komm.pdf - Mini kommenteret straffelov. Overskrifter på bestemmerlserne + relevante understregninger for hurtigt overblik.

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Eksempler på bacheloropgaver





Dispositioner til eksamensspørgsmål for efterår 2008:

! Dispositionerne er ikke nødvendig 100% korrekte, brug med omtanke. !

  1. Ophavsrettens krav om originalitet [ pdf ]
  2. Hvordan beskyttes brugskunst og industrielt design? [ pdf ]
  3. Hvad er et variationsværk? Er der en retlig beskyttelse mod variationsværker? [ pdf ]
  4. Den ophavsretlige beskyttelse af edb-programmer [ pdf ]
  5. Retten til eget billede [ pdf ]
  6. Den økonomiske del af eneretten [ pdf ]
  7. De ideelle rettigheder i henhold til ophavsretsloven [ pdf ]
  8. I hvilket omfang kan man "frit låne" fra ophavsretligt beskyttet materiale? Hvad indebærer de ophavsretlige konsumptionsregler? [ pdf ]
  9. Overdragelse af ophavsrettigheder: Overdragelsestyper og fortolkning af overdragelsesaftaler [ pdf ]
  10. Overdragelse af ophavsrettigheder i ansættelsesforhold – hvad gælder? [ pdf ]
  11. De ophavsretlige problemstillinger i forbindelse med Internettet. [ pdf ]
  12. Ophavsretslovens andre rettigheder (ohl kap. 5) (Udøvende kunstnere, producentrettigheder mv.) [ pdf ]
  13. Databasebeskyttelsen i ophavsretsloven [ pdf ]
  14. Håndhævelsen (forbud, bevissikring, suspension) og sanktioneringen af ophavsrettigheder [ pdf ]


Dispositioner for eksamensspørgsmål efterår 2008 (Århus Universitet):

!NB! Der er småfejl i dispositionerne, vær opmærksom!

  1. Ophavsretlig beskyttelse af edb-programmer [ pdf‎ ]
    • Særligt med henblik på eksemplarfremstillingsretten
  2. Ophavsretlig beskyttelse af edb-programmer [ pdf ]
    • Særligt med henblik på tilgængeliggørelsesretten
  3. Medvirken til ophavsretlige krænkelser på internettet [ pdf ]
  4. Retsbeskyttelse af databaser og multimedia mv. [ pdf ]
  5. Elektronisk aftaleindgåelse [ pdf ]
    • Aftaleindgåelse ved hjælp af e-mail og EDI.
  6. Elektronisk handel [ pdf ]
    • Markedsføring. Identifikation.
    • Vedtagelse. Oplysningspligt før aftalens indgåelse.
  7. Elektronisk handel [ pdf ]
    • Aftaleindgåelsen. Ordrebekræftelse/oplysningspligt efter aftalens indgåelse.
    • Ugyldighed. Løfter afgivet ved en fejltagelse.
    • Fortrydelsesret.
  8. Elektronisk betaling [ pdf ]
  9. IT-leverandørens misligholdelse. Forsinkelse [ pdf ]
  10. IT-leverandørens misligholdelse. Mangler [ pdf ]

Køb af fast ejendom

Dispositioner til eksamen forår 2009:

  1. Handlens indgåelse [ pdf ]
  2. Betinget skøde og handlens tilbagegang [ pdf ]
  3. Misligholdelse fra købers side [ pdf ]
  4. Professionel medvirken [ pdf ]
  5. Fast ejendoms begreb [ pdf ]
  6. Mangler [ pdf ]
  7. Udelukkelse og bortfald af mangelsbeføjelser [ pdf ]
  8. Forsikring og erstatning [ pdf ]
  9. Springende regres [ pdf ]

Valg af selskabsform

  1. Interessentskaber [ pdf ]
  2. Kommanditselskaber [ pdf ]
  3. Kapitalkommanditselskabet og "Cevo-Invest"-dommen [ pdf ]
  4. Indre selskaber [ pdf ]
  5. Aktie- og anpartsselskaber [ pdf ]
  6. Partnerselskaber [ pdf ]
  7. Hæftelsen over for selskabets kreditorer og "den interne hæftelse" [ pdf ]
  8. Motiver for valg: Aftalefrihed, retssikkerhed, formelle procedurer, offentlighed, kapitalkrav og kapitaludtræk [ pdf ]
  9. Motiver for valg: Kapitalfremskaffelse, medarbejderdeltagelse, regnskab og revision, forholdet til tredjemand, adgangen til udtræden og de irrationelle motiver [ pdf ]
  • Skatteretten optræder ikke i form af selvstændige eksamensspørgsmål, men kan inddrages i eksaminationen under eksamensspørgsmålene ovenfor.

EU Company Law

  1. Discuss and explain how a limited company can raise capital and be financed, including the rules and principles concerning this issue. [ pdf ]
  2. Discuss the two opposing theories: incorporation theory v. real seat theory. [ pdf ]
  3. Examine how the freedom of establishment applies to companies. [ pdf ]
  4. Explain the so called “Delaware-effect”. Is there a risk of a Delaware effect in the European Union? [ pdf ]
  5. Explain and discuss how an EEIG (a European Economic Interest Grouping) is established, when and why should one consider establishing an EEIG, the structure of the EEIG and the liability of the members of the EEIG. [ pdf ]
  6. Outline the harmonization program of the European Union with respect to primary and secondary legislation. [ pdf ]
  7. Explain and discuss the interaction between the SE Regulation and national company law and how a SE (a European Company) is established (including the motives for establishment). [ pdf ]
  8. Explain and discuss the structure of the SE (the European Company) and the transfer of registered office and head office of the SE. [ pdf ]
  9. Examine the laws of the Member States providing for management and control functions. [ pdf ]
  10. Discuss the employees‟ rights at company level in the light of Community law. [ pdf ]
  11. Explain and discuss rules and principles concerning national and cross-border mergers (including the motives for mergers). [ pdf ]
  12. Explain and discuss the various ways a company/business can be acquired, including advantages and disadvantages of the various ways, as well as relevant rules concerning takeovers. [ pdf ]
  13. Explain and discuss various forms of cross-border co-operations, including joint ventures, and legal issues to be aware of in such co-operations. Explain and discuss topics often treated in joint venture contracts. [ pdf ]
  14. Outline the provisions applying to annual accounts for companies. [ pdf ]


  1. Afgrænsning af erhvervslejeretten
  2. Lejeaftalens indgåelse
  3. Vedligeholdelse
  4. Udlejers adgang til at foretage arbejder i og omkring det lejede herunder udlejers ret til forbedringsforhøjelse
  5. Opsigelse af lejeaftalen
  6. Ophævelse af lejeaftalen
  7. Flytteopgør og tvister
  8. Markedsleje
  9. Tilbudspligt
  10. Lejers tingsretlige beskyttelse
  11. Konkurs
  12. Det lejedes benyttelse og succession på lejerside